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How To: Options - Data Collect: Collect Emails, Add Disclaimer, and User Data

Under Options > Data Collect there are three options that affect the data that is saved in the Event Data spreadsheet during your event. Enable Collect Emails, Add Disclaimer, and Collect User Data.
The last one is the most important as it collects everything entered by your guests while sharing (sans passwords). That includes email addresses, phone numbers, Twitter and Instagram handles, and much, much more. Most clients are very interested in this data so please pay close attention to these settings.


These options can be used if you or your client needs to be GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant.

Follow along below for more information on each option, and how to configure them.




In Event Manager, select an event and navigate to the Options tab on the left. Then click the Data Collect tab from the blue bar at the top of the page. You'll be presented with the following options:



Enable Collect Emails

With Enable Collect Emails turned on, every time a guest tries to share they will be asked to enter an email address. Even if they are only printing, they will be required to enter an email address before proceeding. It does not save any social logins or handles from Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or any sharing metrics. If Enable Collect Emails is on and Collect User Data is off, your Event Data spreadsheet will ONLY have a list of collected emails.


Enable Collect Emails is required if you are using a Survey. If you are using a disclaimer, Enable Collect Emails will be turned off, and you should add an email input into your disclaimer.



Add Disclaimer

With Add disclaimer enabled, you can have a disclaimer message appear once the guest selects a sharing option. You can customize the contents of the disclaimer in this section.



You can enable the option to Allow user to opt out.  The Opt Out feature is there to give your guests the option to abort the share process if they do not agree to the terms of your disclaimer. You can adjust the Agree text and Opt Out text to change the text of the buttons the guests use when agreeing or opting out of the disclaimer.


WARNING: If a guest opts-out of the disclaimer, the share process is aborted, they will not receive their media, and any information entered into the disclaimer is not saved.




You can add text and options that the guest must review and accept as terms of the disclaimer. These options will appear on the disclaimer in the order in which they are created in Event Manager. You can add as many of these options as you like.


If you want to remove an option, select delete from any field to remove it from the disclaimer.


Each interactive option has an Is Required? check box. If Is Required? is selected, it will require the guest to accept this option or fill in data before being able to finish the disclaimer and share their media.


The options available to add to your disclaimer are outlined below:



Click the Add New Text button to create a field where generic disclaimer text can be added. This text is simply displayed to the guest, and is not interactive.



Click Add New Permission to add a checkbox that the guests check off to accept. 


Choose Generic Checkbox Input from the drop down menu to create a check box where the guest response is recorded in the Event Data spreadsheet. It will appear in the spreadsheet as True if checked, and False if unchecked.

Choose Save personal data if checked  from the drop down menu to allow the guest to agree to save their personal data to the Event Data spreadsheet. If you have a Save personal data if checked option in your disclaimer, and the guest does not check that box, their namee-mail addressphone number, and social media usernames will be replaced with "Anonymous" in the Event Data spreadsheet (and our database). This allows you to record statistics of how many uploads and shares were completed at your event without gathering your guests personal data (and the complications associated with that).


Click Add Name Input to create a field in the disclaimer in which the guest should enter their name.


Click Add Email Input to create a field in the disclaimer in which the guest should enter their email address.

Note: If you are using a survey with a disclaimer, you must add this to your disclaimer or the guest's email will not be recorded with the survey.


Click Add Generic Text Input to include a text field that your guests can fill out.


Select Add Multiple Choice to allow your guests to respond to multiple choice questions. Click the add option link to add more choices.


When disclaimers are enabled and the guest selects a sharing option, the disclaimer will appear. Here is an example below of how it could appear in PPU Kiosk:



Collect User Data

Collect user data is the most important check box and is therefore enabled by default. If you disable Collect user data you will NOT save any user data!




There really is no reason to disable it otherwise. You don't have to download the user data spreadsheet if you don't want to, but your client may change their mind and ask for their data later. You wont be able to turn on Collect user data after your event and retrieve it. The data will only save if it is enabled during your event.


Collected Data includes email addresses, Facebook login emails, Twitter and Instagram handles, Survey responses, file names, microsite URLs, many metrics related to page views and social reach, and so much more.


Note: Social media passwords are never recorded.



Download Data

Submit your event and refresh your Helper to start collecting data.