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How to dupelicate and event in PBU- 

- quick steps to creating your next event


A few simple steps to duplicate an event and get going on your second event with your EventPRO DSLR using PBU from event that you previously created.

1. Log into your PBU dashboard. 

2. Click on COPY EVENT

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3. In the new window, enter the event name and date. 

Click OK

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4. Your previous event details have been copied. Now, you need to change the details to match your new event details.

Click on the EMAIL tab, change the Subject line

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5. Change the other details in the TEXT MESSAGE tab, etc. until all of your event details are updated. 

6. Click SUBMIT (on the left side of the screen)

7. Scroll down to click ACCEPT

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8. Move to the kiosk. Go to the SETTINGS in the kiosk software

9. In the settings on the kiosk software, change where the images will be saved by creating a new folder on the desktop. 


click preferences tab


- CLICK the BROWSE button in the FOLDERS section on the page

- CLICK - MAKE A NEW FOLDER - in the window, create a new folder name, making sure you are creating the folder in a place that you want the images to be saved. 

click browse_make new image save folder

- Click OK

10. Edit the template. Click on PAGE DESIGNER tab

click on page design

11. Right-click the SELECT button on the template that you want to edit.

TIP: if your template format is the same as before, but you just need to change the art/branding, right-click the template you previously used and the format will be the same so you only need to change the artwork.

right click_edit

12. Browse to the new artwork. Click OPEN. 

browse_open artwork

13. Check / fix the image placeholder to be sure they line up with your new template. Adjust as necessary. 

- Change the template title to your new event. 

placeholder_change title

14. Go to the PPU Helper tab, Click the REFRESH button. 


 PPU helper_refresh_choose event

15. - In the dropdown list below, choose your event. CLICK OKScreen Shot 2024-07-29 at 11.59.49 AM