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How To custom brand PBU user experience

There are several branding opportunities in the PBU Software Suite. Below we will overview enabling these features and offer sizing/format guides for each.

Transition Screens:

During the course of a guest's session you may introduce several transition screens from  beginning to end. View the screenshot below for access to these options and understand the sequence of the options.

  • Idle Screen (First Sequence if enabled)
    • The Idle Screen will be present when a guest walks up to the booth and will show when the booth is not being used. They must touch the screen to move forward. 
    • The Idle Screen can be an image or a video/video loop. The image or video should match the screen resolution as described above

  • Software Background (Second Sequence - if Idle Screen is enabled)
    • By default the Software Background is purple with a wire lattice image, as shown above. This can be replaced with any .jpg or .png image you wish to use. This should match the resolution of your screen.
      • EventPro Mini resolution: 1920 x 1080
      • EventPro resolution: 1920 x 1080
      • EventPro Plus: 1024 x 768
  • Tip: If the live view is covering part of your content on the Software Background,  you may reduce the live view scale in the 'Options' shown above
  • Splash Screen (3rd Sequence)
    • The Splash Screen will show after an activation has been selected. This is similar to the Welcome Video but can also show an image. 
      • The Splash Screen will be present after an activation has been selected (photo, gif etc) can be an image or a video/video loop. The image or video should match the screen resolution as described above
  • Welcome Video (4th sequence)
    • The Welcome Video will play after an activation has been selected (photo, GIF, video etc) but before the photo capture begins
      • The following formats are accepted: .avi, .wmv, .mpeg, .mp4, .mov
      • The video will automatically stretch to your screen, but if possible match this video to your monitor resolution. 
        • Example: A 1920 x 1080 screen should have a video quality of 1080p. Alternately a 1024 x 768 screen should have a video quality of 720p
  • Final Message (Final Sequence)
    • The Final Message is a simple verbiage you may set to show at the end of the session. You may modify the verbiage, font style, font size and font color


Adding verbiage for photos/GIFs:


You can allow your own verbiage to appear on the screen while a session is in progress. These can be fun phrases, or direction you provide your guests during their session.


For Photos:


Open your Page Layout Editor as seen below:


Right Click on your Photo Holder and select 'edit'


Any Message you type into this field will show at the top of the screen while the count-down is active. Do this for every photo holder on your Page Design.

For GIFs

Browse to your GIF at the bottom of the GIF tab, and double-click the GIF you want to modify. Once open, you will see your individual frames on the left, and a Frame Message on the right. You may enter a different message for each frame, which will show on top of the screen as each GIF frame is being shot.


The Branding Guides for Graphic Design team are attached. The first guide is for the EventPro PLUS model, and the second guide is for EventPro and MINI EventPro models.