Creating templates in PBU
How to create a simply photo strip in PBU
No matter which PhotoBooth Software is being used, the most common question we get is where to get pre-made templates, as well as how someone can design their own templates.
You can create your own, using any standard image editing software.
You can purchase pre-made templates from a number of online sites such as , etc.
- To create your own template, you first need to first create a "background".
- To do this, you have to use an image editing software, such as: Photoshop, Canva, MS Paint, etc. Most clients are creating a template using
- The "background" of your template needs to be sized to your final print output: (saved as a .jpeg)
- 2 in x 6 in (for printing 2x6 photo strips
- 4 in x 6 in (for printing 4x6 photos)
- 5 in x 7 in (for printing 5x7 photos) **please note that the Sinfonia CS2 printer will support up to 5x7 prints, however you need to purchase 5x7 printer media and use the 5" spacers on the printer spools. These spacers are available free of charge, by request from HootBooth. Contact to request the spacers if you plan to offer 5x7 when you place your printer media order of 5" paper and ribbon.
SAMPLE 2x6 Background template
- Once you have created. your "background" image sized correctly, you will export it as a .jpeg file.
SEE ARTICLE: How do I get my "background" to the kiosk. (this article explains how to transfer the image file)
- Now that you have created a backgound image, you can go to the PBU software in the kiosk and load in the template.
With the artwork saved onto the desktop or local hard drive follow the next steps to set up a template in PBU software:
1. Start the PBU software > Go to PBU Settings
2. Go to > PAGE DESIGNER Tab
4. When the new dialogue box opens
5. Enter the Template NAME
6. Click on 4x6
8. Attach your background by clicking BROWSE (on the Background Image File)
9. Add your image placeholders by clicking the (+) sign in the PHOTO HOLDERS BOX
10. A new box will open - click OK
11. This will add the first photo holder, drag it into position,
12. Use the GREEN CIRCLE to rotate and/or size the image holder box.
13. To add another photo holder, RIGHT-CLICK and choose COPY (see illustration below)
14. Continue the same process until you have 3 (or more) photo holders, placed where you need them.
15. Set the printer to auto cut. Click the PRINTER SETTINGS button
16. Click CONFIGURE > choose SINFONIA PRINTER from the box.
17. PRINTER SETTINGS > Choose 4x6 SPLIT from the drop down list in the printer settings dialogue.